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مكتوبت، كه مُشْعِر بر بعض روايات غير مُحَقَّقه و اخبارات غير صادقه بود، به اين عبد فانی واصل. از جهتی ابواب سرور گشود و از جهتی ابواب حزن مفتوح نمود. امّا سرور چه كه مشعر بر سلامتی بود، و امّا حزن نظر به آن كه مشاهده شد كه بالاخرة انفس مشركه تو را از شطر احديّه ممنوع نموده اند و از نفحات حبّ الهيه محروم داشته اند. نَسْئَلُ الله بأنْ يَنْصَرِفَكَ عَنْهُم و يُقَلِّبَكَ إلی وَجْهِهِ المُنْيِر. و چون اين عبد ملاحظه نمود كه آنچه مرقوم داشته از فطرت ظاهر نشده، بلكه از كلمات كاذبه انفس مشركه بوده، كه نزد تو مذكور داشته اند،[2] لذا خالِصاً لِوجهِ الله و حبّاً لَكَ لازم شد كه جواب مذكور دارم، كه شايد به قوّه ربّ الارباب حجاب اعظم و سُبُحات جلال را به انامل قدرت و انقطاع شقّ نمائی و به مقرّی كه مقدّس از ذكر و اشاره و كلمات و عبارات است صعود نمائی، و سبّاحان قلزم كبريائی و طايران هواء عزّ ربّانی را از طيور ظلمانی تميز دهی. (edit)
Maktobat, which was based on some unverified narrations and untrue reports, reached this mortal slave. On the one hand, he opened the doors of service and on the other hand, he opened the doors of sorrow. But Sir, what a poem about health, and how sad it was to see that in the end, your polytheist soul was forbidden from the camel of Ahadiya and was deprived of the breaths of God's love. We ask God to spare you from them and turn you to the face of light. And when this servant noticed that what he had in his grave did not appear from his nature, but from the false words of the polytheist soul, which were mentioned before you, [2] therefore, purely for the sake of Allah and for the love of Lak, it became necessary that I have the above answer, which may be to May the power of the Lord of Lords lift the veil of greatness and the mornings of glory with the help of power and the separation of divisions, and ascend to the abode that is holy from remembrance, gestures, words and expressions, and cleanse the mornings of the greatness and the birds of the divine air from the birds of darkness. (edit) The letter, which contained some unverified narratives and untrue news, reached this humble servant. From one aspect, it opened the doors of joy, and from another aspect, it opened the doors of sorrow. As for the joy, it was because the letter contained well-wishing, and as for the sorrow, it was because it was observed that in the end, the unbelieving souls have prevented you from the path of unity and deprived you of the divine love's fragrances. We ask Allah to turn you away from them and direct you toward His illuminating face. And when this servant noticed that what was written had not emerged from an innate nature but rather from the false words of the unbelieving souls, which they have mentioned to you, it became necessary for me, solely for the sake of Allah and out of love for you, to provide the mentioned response. Perhaps by the strength of the Lord of Lords, you will break the greatest veil and the glories of majesty with the fingers of power and detachment, ascend to the sanctified place that is beyond mention, indication, words, and expressions, and distinguish the swimmers of the great ocean and the birds of the divine sky from the birds of darkness. (edit)
اگرچه مشاهده می شود كه حجاب اكبر بصرت را از منظر اكبر به كلّی محروم نموده، ولكن چون بر حسب ظاهر كلمات نصحيّه ذكر نموده بودی، لذا بر اين عبد لازم شد كه به آنچه از طمطام يمّ عنايت الهی و ظهورات تجلّی عزّ صمدانی فائز شده ام به همآن مقدار تو را اخبار نمايم، كه شايد از حرم عزّ تقديس محروم نگردی و از كعبه قدس تجريد بی نصيب نمانی. اگرچه كلماتی از لسان مبارك استماع شد و از مضمون آن اين عبد از اكثری از ناس مأيوس شده، ولكن خالصاً لوجه الله اظهار می شود، كه لعلّ به نسيمی از رضوان عزّ تقديس فائز شوی و به ثمره از اثمار سدره لا شرقيّه و لا غربيّه مرزوق گردی. و آن كلمات اين است كه فرمودند: إنَّ النَّاسَ أَكْثَرَهُم يَسْتَرضِعُونَ اليومَ مِن ثَدْیِ الغَفْلَةِ والجَهْل[3] و ما جَائَتْهُم أيَّامُ فِطَامِهِم، فَكَيفَ بُلُوغِهِم. لِذا لا تُؤَثِّرُ فِيهِم الكَلِمَةُ، لاِنَّهُم لا يَفْقَهُونَ و لايَشْعَرُونَ. و إنّك فَاشْهَدْ هؤلاءِ العوّام كَأغْنَامٍ يُذْهِبُهُم صَبِیٌّ مِن الصِّبْيان كيف يشاء. كذلك نُزِّلَ مِن قبْلُ، ولكنَّ النّاسَ هُمْ لا يَعْرِفُونَ. (edit)
Although it can be seen that the Hijab Akbar has completely deprived Basrat from the view of Akbar, but since you had mentioned the words of Nashiyyah according to the appearance, it was necessary for this servant that I have been blessed with the divine providence and the revelations of Ezz Samadani. I will inform you as much as possible, that you may not be deprived of the Holy Shrine and not deprived of abstraction from the Holy Kaaba. Although some words were heard from Mubarak's tongue and the content of this slave was disappointed by most of the people, but it is expressed purely for the sake of Allah, that you may be blessed with a breeze from the grace of God, and with the fruit of the fruit of the Sadrah, La Sharqiyeh and La Gharbiya Marzooq. roundness And those words are what they said: Most of the people are nursing today from the breast of heedlessness and ignorance [3] and we have come to them in the days of their weaning, so that they are mature. Therefore, the word does not affect them, because they do not understand and do not feel. And you have revealed these people like sheep that a boy from among the boys will slaughter as he wills. It was also sent down before, but people also do not know. (edit) Although it is observed that the greatest veil has completely deprived insight from the highest perspective, since you had mentioned advice in the apparent words, it became necessary for this servant to inform you of the extent to which I have been blessed with divine grace and the manifestations of the glory of the Everlasting. Perhaps you will not be deprived of the sanctuary of honor and sanctity and remain without a share of the Holy Kaaba of detachment. Although words were heard from the blessed tongue and this servant has become hopeless about most people due to their content, it is expressed solely for the sake of Allah, that perhaps you will be blessed by a breeze from the Paradise of honor and sanctity and by a fruit from the Tree of Sidrah which is neither of the East nor the West.

And those words were as follows: "Indeed, most people suckle from the breast of negligence and ignorance today[3], and the days of their weaning have not come to them, let alone their maturity. Therefore, words have no effect on them, for they do not understand or feel. And you see these common people like sheep, a young child from among the children takes them wherever he wants. So it was revealed before, but people do not know." (edit)

و چون در مكتوبت مطالب عديده ذكر شده بود، لذا بر اين عبد لازم شد كه هر يك از مطالب تو را مرقوم نمايد و بعد جواب مذكور دارد، كه لعلّ در اين ايّام، كه ظلمت جميع ارض را احاطه نموده، بعضی از قاصدين و طالبين به انوار شمس هدايت مهتدی شوند و از كوثر حيوان بی نصيب نمانند. و إنّه لَيهْدی مَن يشاء و إنّه علی كلّ شیءٍ قديرٌ. (edit)
And because many things were mentioned in the writing, therefore it was necessary for this slave to read each of your things and then have the answer mentioned, because in these days, when the darkness surrounds the whole land, some of the messengers and seekers May they be guided by the lights of the sun and not be deprived of the kotsar of animals. And verily He is for whom He wills, and verily He is over all things. (edit) As numerous issues were mentioned in your letter, it became necessary for this servant to record each of your points and then provide the mentioned response. Perhaps during these days, when darkness has enveloped the entire earth, some of the seekers and aspirants will be guided by the light of the sun of guidance and not remain without a share of the Fountain of Life. Indeed, He guides whom He wills, and indeed, He is capable of all things. (edit)
اين است اوّل مطلب تو كه مرقوم داشته: اميد از خداوند متعال چنان است كه ملاقات نصيب گرداند، كه شايد رفع تعيّنات ظلمانيّه و حجبات وهميّه گردد، و معلوم شود سابحين در بحر احديّه و طايرين در فضای رفعت از ساكنين در بئر ظلمت و واقفين در بيدای حيرت. (edit)
This is the first article of yours, which has the title: The hope from God Almighty is such that the meeting will be granted, that maybe the dark appointments and illusory veils will be removed, and it will be known that the people who are sleeping in the sea and flying in the sky are among the dwellers in the well of darkness and those who are aware in the Do not be surprised. (edit) This is the first issue you had mentioned: It is hoped from the Almighty God that He grants the opportunity for a meeting so that perhaps the determinations of darkness and the veils of illusion will be removed, and it will become clear who the swimmers are in the ocean of unity and the flyers in the realm of elevation, distinct from those who dwell in the well of darkness and stand bewildered in the vastness of astonishment. (edit)
اين که خواسته بودی كه ملاقات حاصل شود و از آن ملاقات رفع حجبات گردد، هر ملاقاتی علّت كشف حجاب نبوده و نخواهد بود. در اكثری ملاقات بر حجاب بيفزايد، چنانچه نفسی، كه منبع غلّ[4]و معدن فساد بوده، آمده و تو حجبات او را خرق ننموده، كه سهل است بر حجبات تو افزوده. اگر تو قادر بر خرق حجاب بودی البتّه حجبات مانعه از نفس محجوبه را كشف مي نمودی. ولكن انشاء الله از فضل الهی اميدواريم كه ملاقاتی به رَوح و ريحان دست دهد و جميع در انجمن قدس مجتمع شويم و از اشارات لفظيّه مقدس شده به عوالم نامتناهی معانی پی بريم. چه كه اين ايّام ايّام كشف و شهود است، نه ايّام تحقيق ظنون و موهوم. از خدا وصل و لقا را طالبيم. وإنّه لنِعْمَ المَولی و نِعْمَ المجيب. معلوم است كه اين كلمات از خودت نبوده از وسوسه انفس بعيده مرقوم داشته. (edit)
The fact that you wanted a meeting to be achieved and from that meeting to remove the hijab, every meeting was not and will not be the cause of revealing the hijab. In most cases, the meeting adds to the veil, if a soul, which was a source of corruption [4] and a mine of corruption, came and did not break your veils, which is easy to add to your veils. If you were able to break the hijab, of course you would discover the veils that hinder the veiled soul. But, God willing, we hope that the soul and Basil will meet and we will all be integrated in the Holy Association and realize the infinite worlds of meanings from the sanctified verbal gestures. Because these days are the days of discovery and intuition, not the days of investigating suspicions and illusions. We ask God to connect and meet. And it is because of the blessing of Al-Mawli and the blessing of Al-Mujib. It is clear that these words are not from you, they are far from the temptation of your soul. (edit) Regarding your wish for a meeting to take place and for the veils to be removed through that meeting, not every meeting is a cause for the unveiling of veils and will not be so. In most cases, meetings increase the veils, just as a person who is a source of resentment[4] and a mine of corruption, comes and you do not tear away their veils, as it is easy to add to your veils. If you were capable of tearing away the veil, you would undoubtedly unveil the veils that obstruct the veiled soul. However, God-willing, we hope for divine grace to grant us a meeting with spirit and refreshment, where we all gather in the holy assembly and, transcending the sanctified verbal indications, explore the infinite realms of meanings. For these are the days of unveiling and witnessing, not the days of investigating doubts and illusions. We seek union and encounter with God. Indeed, He is the best Guardian and the best Responder. It is clear that these words were not from you but were recorded due to the whispers of distant souls. (edit)
ذات نايافته از هستی بخش كِی تواندكه شود هستی بخش امثال آن نفوس پژمرده محرومه يمين را ازشمال تميز نداده اند، چگونه خود را هادی و منجی فرض گرفته اند؟ نفحات انفس الهيّه از فوحات انفس مشركه بسی واضح و معلوم است. نه هر كه به صورت انسان از انسان محسوب، و نه هر كه به دو كلمه ناطق از اهل بيان مذكور. انفس محدوده از عالم احديّه محروم بوده و خواهند بود، و ابصُر مرموده از مشاهده انوار آفتاب معانی بی نصيب. (edit)
The undiscovered nature of existence, who can become the existence of the likes of those withered, deprived souls who have not cleansed the right from the north, how have they assumed themselves as guides and saviors? The breaths of the divine soul are very clear and obvious from the breaths of the polytheist soul. Not everyone who is human is considered to be a human, and not anyone who speaks in two words is considered to be a speaker. The limited soul has been and will be deprived of the world of unity, and the eyes deprived of seeing the rays of the sun have no meaning. (edit) How can one who has not attained the essence of the Giver of Existence grant existence to the likes of those deprived and decaying souls who have not distinguished the right from the left, yet have considered themselves guides and saviors? The divine breaths of pure souls are quite clear and known to be distinct from the emanations of idolatrous souls. Not everyone who appears in human form is considered human, nor is everyone who speaks two words deemed among the people of eloquence. Limited souls have been and will be deprived of the realm of unity, and the blinded eyes remain without a share of witnessing the lights of the sun of meanings. (edit)
عجب است از تو كه جوهر[5]وهم را نفس يقين دانسته و نفس موهوم را معلوم ذكر نموده. إنّهُم خُلِقُوا مِن الوَهْمِ و بُدِئُوا مِنه و رَجَعُوا إليه. و اليوم طايران هوای قرب الهی و سبّاحان قلزم رحمت رحمانی چون شمس مشرق و مضيئند. و والله اگر نفوس محتجبه ابصر خود را از رمد نفس و هوی مطهّر سازند فی الحين به اشراق نيّر آفاق فائز شوند. ولكن چه ذكر نمايم كه امر بسيار بر تو مشتبه شده. و هذا لمْ يَكُنْ مِن عندك بلْ مِن الّذی لمْ يَكُنْ له ذِكْرٌ عند الله و كان محروماً عنْ نفحاتِ أيّام الله المهيمنِ القيّوم. (edit)
It is amazing that you considered the essence of illusion to be the self of certainty and mentioned the self of illusion as known. They were created from God, and they came from Me and returned to Him. And today, the air of God's nearness flies, and in the mornings, I am the twinkling of merciful mercy, like the rising and shining sun. And by God, if the souls of the veiled eyes purify their eyes from the shame of the soul and the spirit, then they will be blessed with the light of the horizon. But how can we mention that something is very suspicious about you. And this did not come from you, but from the one who did not have a mention before God, and was deprived of the breaths of the days of God, the Most High. (edit) It is astonishing that you have considered the essence of illusion as the breath of certainty and mentioned the imaginary breath as known. Indeed, they were created from illusion, originated from it, and returned to it. Today, the birds of the divine proximity and the swimmers in the ocean of the Merciful's compassion are like the shining and illuminating sun. By God, if the veiled souls cleanse their eyes from the dirt of self and passion, they will instantly attain the radiance of the horizons' light. However, what can I say, as the matter has become quite ambiguous for you? This was not from you, but from the one who had no mention with God and was deprived of the divine breaths during the days of the Almighty and Self-Subsisting Lord. (edit)
قولُكَ: بلی، اگرچه حالتم بر حسب ظاهر خوب و در كمال صحّت در گذر است، ولی از بس فسرده ام. يكی از محرومی فيض خدمت احباب، و ديگر آن كه هر قدر جان مي كَنيم و كوشش مي نمائيم و از شهر به شهر و وادی به وادی مي دويم، بلكه نوعی شود خيال آسوده شود، نمی شود و نمي گذارند. (edit)
Qoluk: Yes, although I am in good shape and in perfect health, but I am very depressed. One is the deprivation of the grace of serving loved ones, and the other is that no matter how much we live and try and run from city to city and valley to valley, it is not possible and they do not let it be a kind of relief. (edit) You said: "Indeed, although my condition appears to be good and in perfect health, I am deeply distressed. One reason is the deprivation of serving the beloved, and the other is that no matter how hard we try and strive, running from city to city and valley to valley, hoping to find some relief or peace of mind, it just doesn't happen, and they don't let it happen." (edit)
عجب است از تو، و اين عبد خادم بسيار متحيّر شده از اين عبارات كه مرقوم داشته كه شهر به شهر مي دويم كه خيال آسوده شود و نمی شود. چه كه از اين كلمه همچه مفهوم شد كه، نَعُوذُ بالله، ملتفت نشده كه شهر به شهر گشتن سبب آسودگی خيال نبوده و نخواهد شد. كاش تو در همان محلّ توقّف مي نمودی[6] ويك نَفَس خالصی لله برمی آوردی. و البتّه آن نفس به مكمن رحمن حاضر می شد، چه كه اگر مقصود از حركت تو عرفان حقّ بوده بايد به اين مدينه بيائی، مُطَهَّراً عنْ كُلِّ الإشارات و الدّلالات. و بعد ملاقات نموده خود به بصر خود تميز دهی و حقّ را از دونش بشناسی، نه به قول نفسی، كه عند الله مردود بوده، به شأنی محتجب شوی كه خود را از جمال مقصود بالمرّة محروم داری. و السّالك لنْ يَبْلُغَ إلی وطن الأمْنِ و الآمان إلاّ بِكفّ الصَّفْرِ عمّا فی الإمكان. (edit)
It's amazing from you, and this Abd Khadim is very surprised by these expressions that he has written that we are running from city to city, so that his imagination will not be relieved. What is understood from this word is that, Na'u'o-o-balleh, it is not understood that going from city to city is not and will not be a cause of relaxation. I wish you would stop at the same place[6] and breathe a pure breath to God. And of course, that soul would come to Makman Rahman, because if the purpose of your movement was the knowledge of truth, you should come to this city, purified from all signs and signs. And then meet and purify your own sight and recognize the truth from him, not by the words of your soul, which is rejected by God, and be so obstinate that you are depriving yourself of the beauty of the intention once and for all. And the wayfarer should not reach the homeland of safety and security except with the palm of the hand. (edit) It is surprising to hear from you, and this servant is greatly perplexed by the statements you have written, saying that you roam from city to city seeking peace of mind but cannot find it. It seems from these words, God forbid, that you have not realized that roaming from city to city will not bring peace of mind and never will. If only you had stayed in one place and taken a single breath purely for the sake of God. That breath would indeed have reached the presence of the Merciful.

If your purpose in moving was to attain the recognition of the Truth, you should have come to this city, purified from all signs and indications. After encountering the Truth, you should discern it with your own sight and recognize it apart from any lower knowledge, not by the words of someone who is rejected in the sight of God. In this way, you would not deprive yourself entirely of the beauty of the desired goal. The seeker will not reach the homeland of security and peace unless they let go of everything within the realm of possibility. (edit)

قوله: رفته بود كه قدری آسايش حاصل نمائيم و از شرّ فتنه ايمن باشيم، فراغتی حاصل شود، وساوس شياطين به هوای نفسْ شرّی برانگيخته، خَلل در اعتقادات انداخته، فتنه نوئی بر پا نموده. الفِتْنَةُ نائمَةٌ، لَعَنَ الله مَن أَيْقَظَها. (edit)
Qoleh: He had gone so that we could get some comfort and be safe from the evil of sedition, so that we could have leisure, and the devils' passions were aroused by the air of the evil soul, disturbed the beliefs, and set up a new sedition. Al-Fitna is sleeping, God's curse is on those who are awake. (edit) [The person] said: "I had left to attain some comfort and be safe from the evil of sedition, to achieve some peace of mind. However, the whisperings of the devils stirred up the evil desires of the soul, causing disturbances in beliefs and creating a new turmoil. Sedition is asleep; may God curse whoever awakens it." (edit)
تكادُ أنْ تنْفطر السّماءُ مِن هذا القول و تَنْشَقُّ الأرضُ و تندَكُّ الجِبالُ و تنقطعَ البِحارُ عنِ الأمواجِ و الأشجارُ مِن الأثمارِ. فوالله تكاد أنْ تنعدمَ أركانُ الوجودِ مِن الغيبِ و الشّهود. و بِما خرَج مِن فمِكَ إصفرّتْ وجوهُ المقرَّبين. و لو يكون ذو درايةٍ لَيُوقِنُ بأنّ وجهَ نقطةِ الأولی حينئذٍ إصفرّ مِن لَطَماتِ هذه الكلمات. و إذاً ينوح فی رفيق الأعلی و ينوح معه مَلائكة المقرّبين.[7] (edit)
The sky is almost broken by this saying, the earth is split open, the mountains are crumbled, the seas are cut off from the waves, and the trees are cut off from the fruits. By God, the pillars of existence from the unseen and the witnesses are almost non-existent. And with what came out of your mouth, the faces of those close to you turned yellow. And if he was knowledgeable, he would be certain that the face of the first point at that time turned yellow from the blows of these words. And then he wails for the Companion of the Most High, and the close angels wail with him.[7] (edit) The heavens are almost torn asunder by these words, the earth is almost split, the mountains are almost crushed, and the seas are almost cut off from their waves and the trees from their fruits. By God, the foundations of existence, both hidden and manifest, are almost annihilated. The faces of those near to God have turned pale because of what has come out of your mouth. If there was one with insight, they would be certain that the face of the primal point has turned pale from the blows of these words. Then, there will be lamentation in the highest company, and the angels nearest to God will lament along with it. (edit)
هيچ ملاحظه نموده كه چه نوشته؟ مقصود از اين بيان چه و مقصود كه؟ ولكن از سجيّه اهل الله نبوده كه فوق شأن خود تكلّم نمايند. مَنْ لَمْ يعرِفْ حدَّهُ و شأنَهُ لمَ يعرفْ ربَّهُ. باری اين عباد، كه به ايادی تربيت الهيّه تربيت شده اند و در ظلّ سدره ادب ساكنند، دوست نداشته وندارند كه اين كلمات را به مثل تو جواب ذكر نمايند. فَوَّضْنا الأمورَ إلی الله و إنّه لَنِعْمَ الوكيل. (edit)
Did you notice what he wrote? What is the meaning of this statement? But it is not from the people of God to speak above their dignity. He who does not know his limits and status does not know his Lord. These servants, who have been brought up in the ways of God's education and live in the shadow of a good manners, don't like and don't want to remember these words like you answer. We entrust the matter to Allah and it is for the grace of the guardian. (edit) Have you not considered what you have written? What is the purpose of this statement, and what is the goal? However, it is not befitting of the people of God to speak beyond their station. Whoever does not know their limits and their rank, does not know their Lord. Indeed, these servants, who have been nurtured by divine education and dwell in the shadow of the Lote Tree of courtesy, do not wish nor have they wished to respond to words like these from someone like you. We entrust our affairs to God, and indeed, He is the best guardian. (edit)
بشنو ندای عبد ناصح را! فضل اعظم را غضب مدان و صلح اكبر را فتنه مشمر و رحمت كليّه الهيّه را قهر مَبين. ماء عِذْب فُرات را از مِلح اُجاجْ بصرِ ظاهره تميز ندهد، بلكه محتاج به ذائقه بوده و خواهد بود. و ذائقه هم اگر به امراضِ وارده تغيير نمايد، آنهم از ادراك عاجز خواهد بود. از خدا مي طلبيم ذائقه قدسيّه لطيفه عنايت فرمايد كه كوثر بيان الهی را از ملح اجاج نفسانی تميز دهيم. و الأمرُ بِيَدِهِ، إنّه علی كلّ شیءٍ حكيمٌ و علی كلّ شیءٍ قديرٌ. (edit)
Hear the call of Abd Naseh! Consider the greatest grace as wrath, the greatest peace as a mischief, and the mercy of God as violence. The water of the Euphrates does not cleanse it from the salt of the surface, but it is and will be in need of taste. And if the taste is changed due to diseases, it will also be unable to understand. We ask God to grant us the taste of the saintly Latifah, so that we can cleanse the kotsar of the divine expression from the salt of carnal ajaj. And the commandment is that He is wise over all things and He is able over all things. (edit) Listen to the call of the sincere servant! Do not regard the greatest grace as wrath, do not consider the greatest peace as turmoil, and do not see the all-encompassing divine mercy as a manifestation of anger. The apparent eye cannot distinguish the fresh waters of the Euphrates from the salty waters of the marshes; rather, it requires taste. And if the taste is altered by acquired diseases, it will be unable to perceive. We ask God to grant us the refined, sacred taste so that we can discern the divine expression of the Kawthar from the salty waters of our egotistical selves. The matter is in His hands; indeed, He is wise in all things and capable of all things. (edit)
اگر آسايش می خواهی اين بيان حقّ را بشنو كه فرموده: از آلايش نفس و هوی پاك شو تا به آسايش لايَفْنی فائز شوی! اين آسايش در ظلّ حقّ بوده، نه در دونش، چه كه جز ظلّش اليوم بَرَهُوت عند الله محسوب. إنشاء الله اميدواريم كه صدر را[8] از كلمات و اشارات مشركين ممرَّد نموده تا محلّ تجلّی سلطان احديّه شود، و بالمرّة از قيل و قال و جنگ و جدال بياسايد. (edit)
If you want comfort, listen to this statement of Haqq, who said: Clean yourself from the pollution of the soul and mood, so that you can gain eternal comfort! This comfort was in the shadow of the truth, not in his knowledge, which is considered as the shadow of God today. God willing, we hope that Sadr will be freed from the words and gestures of the polytheists, so that it becomes the place of manifestation of the Sultan of Udhiya, and it will be completely free from gossip, war and conflict. (edit) If you seek tranquility, listen to this truthful statement: Purify yourself from the comfort of the ego and desires, so you may attain the everlasting peace! This tranquility lies in the shade of the truth, not in the mundane, for nothing other than His shade today is considered lofty in the eyes of God. God willing, we hope to cleanse the heart from the words and allusions of the idolaters so that it becomes the abode for the manifestation of the Sovereign of Unity, and ultimately, be at peace, free from gossip, conflict, and strife. (edit)
مذكور نموده بودی كه از شرّ فتنه ايمن باشيم، همچه مفهوم می شود كه تو ظهورات حقيّه كه در عالم شده، از آدم تا خاتم، جميع را فتنه دانسته، و اعتقاد نموده كه تكلّم نمودن به كلمه حقّ فتنه است. ولكن زين فتنه تا آن فتنه فرقی است بسيار، و لا يعقلها إلاّ أولوا الأبصار. فتنه حقّ فتنه ای است كه صد هزار شريعه امن و امان از او جاری است. فوالله اگر ذی شمّی يافت شود، از اين فتنه نفحات احديّه استشمام نمايد. (edit)
You had mentioned that we should be safe from the evil of sedition, it can be understood that you considered all the true appearances in the world, from Adam to Khatam, as sedition, and believed that speaking the word of truth is sedition. But there is a lot of difference between sedition and that sedition, and there is no reason except the eyes. Sedition is the right of sedition from which a hundred thousand laws of safety and security flow. By Allah, if Dhi Shammi is found, he will smell the fragrance of this sedition. (edit) You had mentioned wanting to be safe from the evil of tribulation; it is understood that you consider all the divine revelations throughout the world, from Adam to the Seal (of the Prophets), to be tribulations and believe that speaking the word of truth is a tribulation. However, there is a significant difference between this tribulation and that one, which can only be understood by those with insight. The tribulation of truth is one from which a hundred thousand laws of safety and security flow. By God, if one with a sense of smell could be found, they would inhale the fragrances of unity from this tribulation. (edit)
و ديگر می فرمايد قوله جلّ كبريائه: (الم. أَحَسِبَ النَّاسُ أنْ يُتْرَكُوا أَنْ يَقُولُوا آمنّا و هُم لايُفْتَنُونَ**).** اگر آنچه از حقّ ظاهر می شود آن را فتنه انگاشته صد هزار جان فدای چنين فتنه، كه انفس مشركه فرعونيّه را از مظاهر احديّه تميز داده و تفصيل فرموده. اين عبد از خدا می طلبم كه بصر حديد به جميع ناس عنايت فرمايد، و نفس زكيّه مرحمت نمايد، و اُذُن واعيه مبذول دارد، تا كلمات مشركه را از كلمات الهيّه فرق گذارند. (edit)
And he also says the words of Jal al-Kibriya: (Alm. Ahsab al-Nannasu ان يتركوا ان يقولوا امنا و حم ليوتانونون**).** If he considers what appears from the truth to be a temptation, a hundred thousand lives will be sacrificed for such a temptation, which is the soul of a pharaonic polytheist. He has clarified and detailed the manifestations of Ahadiya. This servant, I ask God that Basr Hadid will take care of all people, and give mercy to the soul of Zakiyah, and have the permission of the Prophet, so that they can distinguish the words of polytheism from the words of God. (edit) And He also says, glorified be His Majesty: "Alif Lam Mim. Do people think that they will be left alone because they say, 'We believe,' and will not be tested?" (Qur'an, 29:1-2). If what appears from the truth is considered a tribulation, then a hundred thousand souls would be sacrificed for such a tribulation, which distinguishes the idolatrous souls of Pharaoh-like nature from the manifestations of unity and explains them in detail. I beseech God to grant all people the vision of clarity, to bestow mercy upon pure souls, and to provide attentive ears, so they may differentiate between the words of the idolaters and the divine words. (edit)
هرگز راضی نمي شوم كه تو چنين كلمات مرقوم نمائی. ذكر شده بود كه وساوس شياطين به هوای نفسْ شرّی برانگيخته[9]خَلل در اعتقادات انداخته. ای برادر من، نفحات قدسيّه ربّ العالمين را وساوس شياطين ذكر منما! فوالله يَبْكِی كلُّ شیءٍ، و الّذی أمرك بِما ظهر مِن قلمِكَ يَلْعَنُهُ كلُّ الذّرّات، ولكنْ هو لا يستشعر فی نفسِهِ لأنّ الله ضَرَبَ علی قلبِهِ غَشَاوَةَ النّارِ. يقول ما لا يَفْقَهُ و تكلّم بما لا تكلّم به مظاهرُ النّفی كلُّها، و إذاً هو فی خُسرانٍ عظيمٍ. تكاد الوجود أنْ يذوبَ مِن هذه الكلمة، ولكن مُلقيك فی حجابٍ غليظٍ. (edit)
Here you are satisfied with the number of words you need. He mentioned that he was obsessed with demons with his evil desires[9] through his beliefs. O Lord of men, the whiffs of His Holiness, the Lord of the Worlds, and the whispers of male devils! God weeps everything, and the one who commanded you with what appeared from your pen is cursed by all the atoms, but he does not feel in himself because God struck the veil of fire over his heart. He says what he does not understand, and he speaks what all manifestations of negation do not speak, and then he is in great loss. Existence almost dissolves from this word, but I cast you in a thick veil. (edit) I can never be content with you writing such words. It was mentioned that the whispers of devils stirred the evil desires of the soul and disrupted beliefs. O my brother, do not call the divine breezes of the Lord of the worlds the whispers of devils! By God, everything weeps, and every particle curses the one who commanded you to write what appeared from your pen. However, he does not feel it within himself because God has placed a veil of fire over his heart. He speaks without understanding and utters what even the manifestations of negation would not say. Thus, he is in great loss. The existence itself seems to melt away from this word, but the one who inspires you is behind a thick veil. (edit)
و امّا خلل در اعتقادات كه مذكور داشته، بدان كه در اعتقادات احدی از ظهورالله و امره خلل نرسيده، بلكه محكم و ثابت و راسخ تر شده. مگر آن نفوسی كه در ظهور قبل كينوناتشان از سجّين بوده و بر حسب ظاهر به تصديق آن ظهور از علّييّن محسوب شده اند. و چون امتحان كبری ظاهر آن نفوس راجع به اصل خود شده، و نفوس قدسيّه منيره به وطن اصليّه خود، كه اقرار و اعتراف به نفس ظهور است، واصل شده اند. طوبی لِلواصِلينَ! (edit)
And as for the disturbance in the beliefs he had mentioned, know that there is no disturbance in anyone's beliefs about the appearance of Allah and His command, but it has become firmer and firmer. Except for those souls whose actions in the previous appearance were from the Sajjin and according to their appearance, they are considered to be the causers in confirmation of that appearance. And since the great test of the appearance of those souls has become about their origin, and the sacred souls of Munira have reached their original homeland, which is the acknowledgment and recognition of the self-appearance. Tubi Lelwaselin! (edit) As for the disruption in beliefs that you mentioned, know that no disruption has occurred in the beliefs of the followers of the Manifestation of God and His Cause. Instead, their beliefs have become more firm, stable, and deeply rooted. Except for those souls who, in previous Manifestations, were from the lowly ones but were outwardly counted among the exalted ones. And when the great test appeared, those souls returned to their true nature, and the illuminated holy souls have reached their original homeland, which is the acknowledgment and confession of the Manifestation's Self. Blessed are those who have attained! (edit)
آن اعتقاداتی كه منوط به عبادت عِجْل شده اصفياء الله و احبّائُهُ از آن مقدّس و منزّه و مبرّا. و هر نفسی كه، العياذ بالله، در اين ظهور نيّر معانی محتجب ماند، عقيده نداشته و نخواهد داشت[10]تا خلل به هم رسد. آيا نشنيده نغمه ورقای الهی را كه می فرمايد: اگر نفسی به دوام ملك و ملكوت به قيام و قعود و سجود حقّ را ذاكر شود و عبادت نمايد، و در حين ظهور اقلّ مِن آن توقّف نمايد، لَيَحْبِطُ أَعْمَالُهُ، و به قدر همان توقّف در نار بوده و خواهد بود، تا چه رسد به اعراض و استكبار. نسئل الله بأنْ يَعْصِمَنا مِن وساوسِ الشّياطين الّذين كفروا بالله جهرةً و يَحْسِبُون أنّهم مِن العارفين. (edit)
Those beliefs that are subject to hasty worship, may Allah's peace be upon him and his friends, be holy, honorable, and absolved from it. And every soul who, by Allah, remained in awe of this new meaning, does not have an opinion and will not have one [10] until the problem is solved. Haven't you heard the song of the divine sheet which says: If a soul remembers the standing, prostration, and prostration of the truth for the duration of the kingdom and the kingdom, and worships it, and pauses during the appearance of the least of it, it will love its deeds, and as much as the same pause in Nar has been and will be, even to the point of arrogance. We ask God to protect us from the worries of the devils who disbelieve in God openly and think that they are among the knowledgeable. (edit) Those beliefs that are associated with the worship of the calf are considered pure and sanctified by the chosen ones of God and His loved ones. And any soul who, God forbid, remains veiled from the divine meanings in this Manifestation, will not have and never had the belief that could be disrupted. Haven't you heard the divine melodies that say: If a soul continuously remembers God in the realms of dominion and sovereignty, through standing, sitting, and prostrating in worship, and hesitates even for a moment during the Manifestation, all their deeds will be invalidated. They will be in the fire to the extent of that hesitation, let alone turning away and showing arrogance. We ask God to protect us from the whispers of the devils who openly disbelieve in God and think they are among the knowledgeable ones. (edit)
لا فوربّ العالمين، فتنه نو ذكر نموده بودی، امر جديدی بر پا نشده و ظاهر نگشته. اين عباد از اوّل يومی، كه به عرفان الله فائز شده ايم، نظر به اين ظهور قدس صمدانی داشته ايم، و مادون اين ظهور كليّه الهيّه را در ساحتش مفقود مي شمرديم. چنانچه بعضی مذكور می داشتند كه لِأجل مصلحت ايشان اشاره به غير می فرمايند، و بعد كه معلوم شد آنچه ذكر شد حقّ بود و ما بعده إلاّ الضّلال. عجب است از تو كه چنين ذكر نموده. اگر مقصود از فتنه فساد جديد بوده، والله الّذی لا إله إلاّ هو، كه همان نفسی، كه اين كلمات را به تو القا نموده، او بر پا كرده، چنانچه مشهود است چهل سنه با هم جمع بوده اند، و خود تو موقنی به آنچه ذكر شده. و در اين سفر[11] كه آن مشرك در حزب الله وارد شد عامل شد آنچه را كه نمرود و شدّاد عامل نشده. مع ذلك ندانستيم كه سبب چه شده كه به اغوای او از بصر و سمع و فؤاد خود گذشته و آنچه او گفته مسلّم داشته. نسئل الله بأنْ يوفّقك علی أمره و يَرَزِّقَك عرفانَ مظهرِ نفسِهِ و يُطَهِّرَكَ عنِ إشاراتِ المُعْرِضين. (edit)
La Forb al-Alamin, you had mentioned a new fitna, no new matter has been established or appeared. These worshipers, since the first day, when we were blessed with the knowledge of Allah, we have been looking at this appearance of the Holy of Holies of Samadani, and without this appearance, we considered the whole of God to be missing in its field. As some people mentioned that they were referring to others for their benefit, and then when it was found out that what was mentioned was true, and we were later only misled. It is amazing that you mentioned that. If the meaning of fitna is a new corruption, by God, there is no god but him, the same soul that inspired you with these words, he started it, as it is evident that they have been together for forty years, and you yourself are the ones who believe in what is said. mentioned. And in this journey [11], when that polytheist entered Hezbollah, he did what he did not die and did not do. However, we did not know what caused him to go beyond his sight and hearing and accept what he said. We ask Allah to grant you success in the matter and grant you the knowledge of the manifestation of His Self and purify you from the signs of the demons. (edit) By the Lord of the Worlds, the new sedition you mentioned has not brought about a new matter or become apparent. From the very first day we attained the recognition of God, we have been contemplating this sacred and eternal Manifestation, and we considered all divine matters lost without this Manifestation. Some mentioned that, for their own interests, they referred to others, but when it became clear that what was mentioned was the truth, there was nothing but misguidance after that. It is surprising that you mention it like this. If the intention of sedition was a new corruption, by God, the one who has no god but Him, the same soul who inspired these words to you, he has established it. As can be seen, they have been together for forty years, and you yourself are certain about what has been mentioned. And on this journey [11], that polytheist entered the party of God and caused what neither Nimrod nor Shaddad could cause. Yet we do not know what caused you to overlook your sight, hearing, and heart, and accept what he said. We ask God to grant you success in His cause, bestow upon you the recognition of the Manifestation of His own Self, and purify you from the allusions of those who turn away. (edit)

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