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Paragraph Persian English GPT4_
و اين که امثال آن نفوس محتجبه به ذكر وصايت از ما يقوم به الوصیّ و فوقه مِن الولاية و النّبوّة و الرّسالة و الرّبوبيّة غافل شده اند، اوّلاً بدان فو الله الّذی لا إله إلاّ هو كه ابداً نقطه اولی به چنين كلمه مخصوص نفسی در بيان تكلّم نفرموده. بلی، يك توقيعی به ميرزا سليمان التفات فرموده بودند، در صدر آن توقيع كلمه بود كه جميع از خواندن آن عاجز شدند. خود ميرزا سليمان در ايّام مراجعت از ماكو مي گفت اين لفظ وصايت است و به من نوشته اند. و او در سرّ سرّ اين ادّعای اين رتبه مي نمود. و ای کاش شما به او متشبّث می شديد. در اين امر او عند الله سزاوارتر است از اين نفسی كه به او تمسّك جسته ايد. و ديگر همچه ذكری ابداً نبوده، مگر آن كه بعضی الواح نوشته اند و به اسم نقطه اولی شهرت داده اند. كُلُّها كذب بربّ البهاء. (edit)
And the fact that the likes of those veiled souls are oblivious to the mention of the will from us as the guardian and authority of the guardianship, the prophethood, the messengership, and the Lordship, first of all, know that Fu Allah al-Zhi la ilaha illa ho, which is always the first point for such a special word in the speech. not told Yes, they had written a signature to Mirza Suleiman al-Tfatat, at the top of it was the word signature, which everyone was unable to read. Mirza Suleiman himself used to say that this word is a will and they wrote to me during his visit to Mako. And he used to claim this rank. And I wish you would join him. In this matter, he is more deserving in the eyes of Allah than this soul that you cling to. And there has never been any mention of it, except that some people have written tablets and given the name of the first point. All are lies to God. (edit) And those who, like those veiled souls, have been oblivious to the mention of the guardianship concerning what constitutes the guardian, and beyond guardianship, prophethood, messengership, and divinity; first, know that by God, the One for whom there is no deity but Him, the Primal Point has never spoken such a specific word for any particular soul in His teachings. Rather, a signature was directed to Mirza Sulayman; at the beginning of that signature was a word that all failed to read. Mirza Sulayman himself, during his visit to Maku, said that this word is "guardianship" and was written for him. And he was secretly claiming this rank for himself. Oh, if only you had clung to him. In this matter, he is more deserving before God than the one you have sought attachment to. And there has never been any other mention like this, except for some tablets that have been written and have become famous under the name of the Primal Point. All of these are lies against the Lord of Baha. (edit)
و ثانياً اين رتبه رتبه نيست كه بخواهيم از نفسی سلب نمائيم يا اثبات نمائيم. چه كه آنچه فخر وصی است، آن ما يقوم به الوصاية بوده و خواهد بود، و بعد از انقطاع عند الله ذكر نداشته و نخواهد داشت. چنانچه نقطه[۳۴۴]اولی - روح ما سواه فداه - در اين مقام می فرمايد قوله - عزّ ذكره -: زيرا كه جوهر كلّ همان است كه آن محتجب مانده از چيزي كه وصی به آن وصیّ است. نه اين است كه اين شأن وصايت را هم به شأن خاصّ نظر كنی، بلكه ناظر شو بما يقوم به، كه امر شجره حقيقت باشد. كه اگر فرضاً رسول خدا به اسم وصايت نصب نمي فرمود امروز ذكر به غير وصايت می شد. كلّ اينها از برای اين است كه در يوم ظهور به اسماء محتجب نمانی، بلكه نظر كنی بما يقوم به الأسماء مِن كلّ شیء، حتّی ذكر النّبیّ. (edit)
And secondly, this rank is not a rank that we want to prove or deny. Because what is the pride of a trustee, it has been and will be, and after the end of the inheritance, it has not been mentioned before Allah and will not be mentioned. If the first point [344] - Our soul is not a sacrifice - says in this position the saying - Ez-Zakrah -: Because the essence of the whole is that which is preserved from the thing to which the bequeather is the bequeather. It is not that you consider this dignity of bequest as a special dignity, but rather, observe what it is based on, so that the genealogy matter is true. If the Messenger of God had not said to install it in the name of will, today it would have been mentioned without a will. All this is so that you don't object to the names on the Day of Resurrection, but consider what is based on the names of everything, even the mention of the Prophet. (edit) And secondly, this rank is not a rank that we want to negate or affirm for any soul. For what the pride of the guardian is, it has been and will be what constitutes guardianship, and after being cut off from God, it has had and will have no mention. As the Primal Point - may my soul be a sacrifice for Him - says in this regard, the essence of everything is that which has been veiled from something to which the guardian is a guardian. It is not that you consider this guardianship to be a unique status; rather, look at what constitutes it, which is the matter of the true Tree. If, for example, the Messenger of God did not appoint by the name of guardianship, today the mention would have been made without guardianship. All of this is so that on the Day of Revelation, you will not be veiled by the names, but rather, you will look at what constitutes the names in everything, even the mention of the Prophet. (edit)
حال قدری تفكّر نما تا عارف شوی كه كلّ به امر او معزّزند و به ذكر او مفتخر، و اين شأن صادق است مادامي كه از حدّ خود تجاوز ننمايند. و در حين بعث امر اوليّه كلّ اين اسامی از مسمّيات خود خارج و به ملكوت راجع. اگر ثانياً امر مبرم نازل يصدق عليهم كلّ الأسماء مِن أسماء الله الحسنی، و إلاّ يرجعنّ إلی مقرّهم قبل أنْ يقول "لِمَ" او "بِمَ". (edit)
Now, think for a while until you become a mystic that everyone respects his command and is proud of his mention, and this dignity is true as long as they do not exceed their limits. And during the sending of the first order, all these names are removed from their names and return to the kingdom. If, secondly, an urgent order is revealed, all the names of Allah's good names will apply to them, and they will return to their abode before he says "lam" or "bem". (edit) Now, reflect for a moment so that you may become a knower, realizing that everything is honored by His command and takes pride in His mention, and this status is true as long as they do not transgress their limits. And at the time of the emergence of the primal command, all these names are removed from their designations and returned to the heavenly realm. Secondly, if a definitive command is revealed, all the names from the Most Beautiful Names of God will be affirmed upon them; otherwise, they will return to their original position before He says "why" or "for what reason." (edit)
باری نظر از اين تحديدات بردار و به آن نقطه ساريه در كلّ شیء ناظر شو و آن نقطه را موهوم مدان! چنانچه از قبل كلّ عباد به توهّمات مانده و إلی حين عارف نشده و نخواهند شد إلاّ مَن شاء ربّك. و همين ميرزا يحيی كه به واسطه او از حقّ معرض شده بين يدیّ مثل يكی از خدّام[۳۴۵]حاضر بوده و القای كلمات الله بر او می شد، چنانچه حال جمعی تلقاء وجه حاضرند، به همان قسم بر ايشان القاء می شود در كلّ ليالی و ايّام. ولكن فرق است كه آن نفس مغرور چون دو كلمه از لسانش جاری شد، إرتكب ما لا إرتكب مظاهر النّفی كلّها. ولكن اين نفوس حاضره تلقاء وجه به ابدع كلمات ناطق، و مع ذلك ليس لهم مِن أمر إلاّ بعد إذنه. كذلك كان الأمر إنْ أنت مِن العالمين. (edit)
Take a look at these determinations and look at that point in the whole thing and consider that point as illusory! If from before all the servants remained in illusions and until now they have not been mystics and they will not be except by the will of the Lord. And this same Mirza Yahya, who was exposed to the truth through him, was present like one of the servants [345] and the words of God were instilled upon him, if they were present in a collective situation, the same oath would be instilled upon them in the whole night. and days But it is different that that proud soul, like two words flowed from his tongue, ``Attebum ma la attutbum mahazah al-an-nafi khala''. But these souls are willing to meet the creator of the speaking words, and yet they do not care about anything except after permission. It was also the case that you are among the worlds. (edit) Remove your gaze from these limitations and look upon that luminous point present in everything, and do not consider that point as imaginary! Just as before, all servants have remained in delusions and have not become aware until now and will not become aware except for whoever your Lord wills. And this Mirza Yahya, who has turned away from the truth due to him, was present before me like one of the servants, and the words of God were inspired upon him, just as now some are present facing me, and in the same way, inspiration occurs to them in all nights and days. However, the difference is that when two words flowed from his tongue, that deluded soul committed what all manifestations of denial have not committed. Yet these present souls speak in the most beautiful words, and despite that, they have no command except after His permission. Thus, it has always been the case if you are among those who know. (edit)
اگرچه كلمات مشركين در قلبت مقرّ گرفته و محو آن مشكل، مگر آن كه از اين سلسبيل عنايت كه در عيون كلمات به نفس كلمات جاری و ساری است بياشامی. كذلك نبّأناك و أخبرناك و قصصناك ما كنتَ محتجباً عنه. لعلّ تخرق الأحجاب بقدرة ربّك العزيز الوهّاب و تشهد ما لا شهدتَهُ مِن قبل و تعرف ما كنت غافلاً عنه. ولكن لن توفّق بذلك إلاّ بأنْ تنقطع عمّا خلق بين السّموات و الأرض و تتوجّه إلی الله الملك المقتدر العزيز المختار. (edit)
Use the words of the polytheists to turn the seat of his room and erase that problem. We also informed you, told you, and told you what you were veiled from. Perhaps you will break through the veils by the power of your Lord, the Mighty, the Bestower, and witness what you have not witnessed before, and know what you were heedless of. But you will not be successful in that unless you break away from what was created between the heavens and the earth and turn to God, the King, the Powerful, the Mighty, the Chosen. (edit) Although the words of the polytheists have taken root in your heart and erasing them is difficult, you may drink from this fountain of grace that flows and moves in the very essence of the words. Thus, We have informed you, told you, and related to you what you were veiled from. Perhaps you will pierce the veils by the power of your Mighty, Bestowing Lord and witness what you have never witnessed before and recognize what you were unaware of. However, you will not achieve that unless you cut yourself off from all that is created between the heavens and the earth and turn to God, the Sovereign, the Omnipotent, the Mighty, the Chosen. (edit)
ای عباد، در عرفان اين ظهور به كلمات و اشارات معرضين و تصديق و تكذيب آن نفوس متمسّك نشويد و به اصل امر ناظر شويد. چه كه اكثری از ناس لم يزل و لايزال محتجب و متوهّم مشاهده شده[۳۴۶]و می شوند، و رؤسای عصر نظر به استحكام رياست خود ناس را از شطر احديّه و عرفان آيات الله ممنوع و مأيوس نموده و خواهند نمود. مثلاً ملاحظه در ظهور نقطه فرقان نما كه آن حضرت به آيات الله ظاهر شدند و در فرقان حجّت و برهان جز آيات نازل نشده. مع ذلك بعد از ارتقای نقطه فرقان به رفيق اعلی و انقطاع روايح رحمن امر به دست علما افتاد و آن نفوس بالمرّة ناس را از عرفان آيات منع نموده كه شما آيات الله را ادراك نمي نمائيد و علم آن نزد ما است. به اين جهت حجّيت آيات از ميان رفت و زمام خلق به دست آن نفوس آمد و ناس را به اوهامی تربيت نمودند كه ذكر آن ممكن نه، چنانچه ديده و شنيده ايد. و آياتي كه در ظهور بعد و قيامت و امثال آن نازل شده جميع را به هوای خود تفسير نمودند، و ناس هم متابعت آن نفوس را مِن حيث لايشعر نموده، تا آن كه امر به مقامی رسيد كه ضرّ آن اوهام جميع به شجره ظهور بعد وارد شد. (edit)
O worshipers, do not cling to the words and gestures of those who are exposed and the confirmation and denial of those souls in the mysticism of this apparition, and observe the essence of the matter. The fact that the majority of people have been and still are observant and delusional[346], and the leaders of the age, looking at the strength of their own leadership, have prohibited and discouraged people from believing in the Ayatollahs. For example, consider the appearance of the Furqan Nama point, that the Prophet appeared to the Ayat of Allah, and in the Furqan, evidence and proof were not revealed except the verses. However, after the elevation of the point of separation to Rafiq al-Ala and the termination of the Rahman's souls, the matter fell into the hands of the scholars, and those souls repeatedly forbade people from the knowledge of the verses that you do not understand the verses of Allah, and the knowledge of that is with us. For this reason, the authority of the verses was lost and the people were ruled by those souls, and people were educated in illusions that cannot be mentioned, as you have seen and heard. And the verses that were revealed in the coming of the Hereafter and the Resurrection and the like, they interpreted all of them in their own way, and Nas also interpreted the obedience of those souls in terms of non-poetry, until the matter reached a point where the harm of those illusions entered the tree of the coming of the Hereafter. became. (edit) O servants, do not be preoccupied with words and signs in the recognition of this Manifestation, and do not be attached to the confirmation or denial of those souls. Look instead to the essence of the matter. For most people have always been and will continue to be veiled and deluded in their observation. The leaders of the age, due to their firm leadership, have prevented people from the oneness and recognition of the verses of God and have caused them to despair.

For example, consider the appearance of the Point of Distinction, who manifested themselves through the verses of God, and no other verses were revealed as proof or argument. Despite this, after the ascension of the Point of Distinction to the highest companion and the cessation of the divine breezes, the matter fell into the hands of the scholars, and those souls completely prevented people from recognizing the verses, claiming that you do not understand the verses of God and that knowledge of them is with us. For this reason, the authority of the verses disappeared, and the reins of creation fell into the hands of those souls. They educated people with illusions that cannot be mentioned, as you have seen and heard. And the verses that have been revealed about the next Manifestation, the Resurrection, and the like have all been interpreted according to their own desires, and people have followed those souls unknowingly. This continued until the matter reached a stage where the harm of those illusions affected the entire Tree of the next Manifestation. (edit)

و بعد از ظهور موعود در سنه ستّين مجدّداً ارياح فضل وزيد و سموات علم مرتفع شد و ارض عرفان منبسط و آيات الله از سماء مشيّت نازل. ولكن نظر به اوهام قبل ناس در حجيّت آيات توقّف نموده كه ما ادراك نمي نمائيم. و حال[۳۴۷]آن كه حقّ - جلّ ذكره - اعظم و اكرم و ارحم از آن است كه مظهر نفس خود را بفرستد و جميع را به عرفان او، كه نفس عرفان الله است، امر فرمايد، و مع ذلك حجّتی بفرستد فوق ادراك ناس. سبحانه عن ذلك! (edit)
And after the appearance of the Promised One in the year of Seteen, the fields of grace were increased and the heavens of knowledge were raised, and the land of knowledge was expanded and the revelations of Allah came down from the sky of providence. But according to me, people have stopped at the authenticity of the verses that we do not understand. And now [347] the one who has the greatest, most honorable and most merciful right, is the one who sends the manifestation of his soul and commands all to his knowledge, which is the soul of God's knowledge, and at the same time sends a proof that is beyond the comprehension of anyone. . Glory be to that! (edit) And after the appearance of the Promised One in the year sixty, the winds of grace blew again, the heavens of knowledge were elevated, the earth of understanding expanded, and the verses of God descended from the heaven of His Will. However, due to the illusions of the past, people hesitated in accepting the authority of the verses, claiming that they could not understand them. And now, the truth - exalted be His mention - is greater, more generous, and more merciful than to send the Manifestation of His own essence and command everyone to recognize Him, who is the essence of the recognition of God, and yet send a proof that is beyond the comprehension of people. Exalted is He above that! (edit)
بالاخرة به اوهام انفس خود مشغول و محجوب، به شأني كه به آيات الله كفايت ننموده، مع آن كه نصّ فرقان است: (أَوَ لَمْ يَكفِهِم أنّا أنزلنا عليك الكتاب). و جميع مستدلّ به اين که ادراك آيات فوق عقول و عرفان ما است، امر ديگر بايد ظاهر شود. قد غيّروا نعمة الله و حجّته و أرادوا بغير ما أراد الله. لذا اكثر اعراض نموده به هاويه راجع شدند. و هر چه اعراض مشركين شدّت نمود، آن شمس معانی محكم تر حجّيت آيات را نازل فرمودند، به شأني كه كلّ حجّت و برهان را منحصر به آيات نمودند. (edit)
In the end, he is busy with his self-delusions and obscuring, to the extent that he is not enough for the Ayat of Allah, despite the fact that it is half of the furqan: And all reasoned that the understanding of the verses is above our intellects and mysticism, another thing must appear. Change the grace of God, His evidence, and His will, except for us, the will of God. Therefore, most of them complained and were referred to Hawieh. And the more the symptoms of the polytheists intensified, the stronger the meanings of the authenticity of the verses were revealed, to the extent that they made all the proofs and proofs exclusive to the verses. (edit) In the end, people became preoccupied and veiled by the illusions of their own selves, not considering the verses of God sufficient, even though the criterion states: "Is it not sufficient for them that We have sent down to you the Book?" And all those who argue that understanding the verses is beyond our intellects and knowledge need to witness another manifestation. They have changed the favor of God and His proof, and sought other than what God intended. As a result, most of them have turned away and returned to the abyss. And as the denial of the disbelievers intensified, the Sun of meanings firmly revealed the verses with greater authority, to the extent that all proof and evidence were confined to the verses themselves. (edit)
و رغماً لأنف المشركين اين آيه از سماء احدية نازل: لو أرادتْ نملة أنْ يتصرّف فی القرآن و باطنه و باطن باطنه فی حكم سواد عينَيها لَتقدرُ لأنّ سرَّ الصّمدانيّة و تجلّی الأحدانيّة قد تلجلجتْ فی كلّ شیءٍ. و اين آيه نازل كه جميع مستشعر شوند كه ابواب رحمت و عنايت مسدود نيست، هر نفسی مقبل شود و إلی الله توجّه نمايد حجيّت آيات الله را به نفس آيه ادراك می نمايد. و ادراك آن مقام[۳۴۸]به علوم ظاهره منوط نبوده و نخواهد بود، بلكه به نفوس زكيّه و قلوب طاهره مقبله منوط، طوبی للمقبلين! (edit)
And in spite of the polytheists' nose, this verse was sent down from the sky: If an ant wanted to behave in the Qur'an and the interior and the inner interior in the judgment of the literacy of its eyes, then it would be able to, because the head of fasting and the manifestation of the oneness of God are in all things. And this ayah was revealed so that everyone can feel that the doors of mercy and care are not closed, every soul accepts it and pays attention to Allah, it understands the authenticity of the Ayat of Allah with the soul of the verse. And the understanding of that position [348] is not and will not be dependent on the external sciences, but on the souls of Zakiyah and the pure hearts of the future, blessed be the future! (edit) And in spite of the disbelievers, this verse has descended from the heaven of Oneness: If an ant wished to comprehend the Qur'an, its inner and innermost meanings, it would be capable of doing so, for the secret of eternal existence and the manifestation of the One have permeated everything. This verse has been revealed so that all may sense that the doors of mercy and grace are not closed; any soul that turns towards God will come to understand the verses of God through the verse itself. Grasping this station is not dependent on outward knowledge and never will be, but rather on pure souls and pure hearts turning towards it. Blessed are those who turn towards it! (edit)
و همچنين آن ساذج معانی حجبات و اوهامي كه از قبل بود و ناس به آن محتجب و متوهّم، جميع را خرق نمودند و به افق إنّنی أنا حیٌّ فی الأفق الأبهی راجع شدند. حال جمعی انفس موهومه لإثبات رياست و حفظ آن اراده نموده اند اوّلا حجيّت آيات را از بيان محو نمايند، و در اين فقره بسيار سعی نموده و می نمايند و به تمام مكر و حيله در اين امر مشغولند. ولكن أبی الله إلاّ أنْ يثبت آياته بالحقّ و لو تنكرها المشركون. و حال در نفاق به مقامی رسيده اند كه اگر نفسی به حجيّت آيات متكلّم شود به او استهزاء و سخريه می نمايند، بعينه مثل ملل قبل، بل هؤلاء أشدّ جهلاً و أكبر نفاقاً لو أنتم تعرفون. (edit)
And also, those naive meanings of veils and illusions that were already there and those who were not aware of it and were delusional, broke all of them and referred to the horizon of the present and the life of the future. Now, in order to prove their leadership and maintain it, the group of delusional people have decided to erase the authenticity of the verses from the statement. But Abi Allah except that He records His verses with the truth and without the disbelievers of the polytheists. And now they have reached a position in hypocrisy that if a person speaks with the authority of the verses, they mock him and make fun of him, just like the previous nations, but these people are more ignorant and hypocritical, you know. (edit) Likewise, the naive meanings, veils, and illusions that existed before, which people were veiled and deluded by, were all torn apart, and they returned to the horizon of "Indeed, I am the Living One in the Most Glorious Horizon." Now, some deluded souls, wishing to prove their leadership and maintain it, have first sought to erase the proof of the verses and to make them ambiguous. In this regard, they have made and continue to make great efforts and are preoccupied with all sorts of deceit and trickery in this matter. But God refuses anything except that He establishes His verses with the truth, even if the disbelievers deny them. They have now reached a level of hypocrisy where, if someone speaks of the proof of the verses, they mock and ridicule them, just like the people of previous religions. Indeed, these people are more ignorant and greater hypocrites if only you knew. (edit)
لازال عرفان منبسطه الهيّه را نفوس محتجبه محدود نموده اند، و به اين جهت اكثر عباد از فيوضات رحمانی و عنايات ربّانی محروم مانده اند. چنانچه نفس ملقی يومی از ايّام استهزاءً علی نقطة البيان ذكر مي نمود كه "فرموده اند كه احدی بر اتيان يك آيه قادر نه، و حال آن که می بينيم كه بعضی نفوس قادرند كه دو كلمه آيات تكلّم نمايند. پس از اين قرار اين[۳۴۹]نفوس هم حقّ خواهند بود." فو الله، مَن وجد رائحة رضوان المعانی لَيعرف مِن هذه الكلمة كفرَه و نفاقه و بغيه و إعتراضه علی كلّ النّبيين و المرسلين. (edit)
Still, the expanded mysticism of God has been limited by the veiled souls, and for this reason, most of the worshipers have been deprived of the merciful gifts and blessings of God. As Nafs Mollaki, one of the days, mockingly mentioned the point of Bayan that "they said that no one is capable of reciting one verse, and now we see that some souls are capable of reciting two words of verses. Therefore, this [349] [Souls will also be right." God forbid, I am filled with the fragrance of Rizwan al-Ma'ani, to know from this word blasphemy, hypocrisy, greed, and objection to all the prophets and messengers. (edit) The divine expanded knowledge has always been limited by the veiled souls, and for this reason, most of the worshippers have been deprived of the outpourings of divine mercy and Lordly blessings. For instance, a person mentioned one day, mockingly, regarding the point of explanation, "They say that no one can bring forth a single verse, yet we see that some souls can speak two words of the verses. Thus, from this perspective, these souls must also have the right." By Allah, whoever has found the scent of the meanings of divine approval will recognize the disbelief, hypocrisy, rebellion, and objection to all prophets and messengers from this statement. (edit)
مشاهده شد كه ابداً از كوثر معانی مرزوق نشده و از رضوان معنوی الهی به غايت محروم مانده، چه كه اين بسی واضح است كه مقصود حضرت از اين بيان چه بوده. و كلمه حقّ، اگر چه به حرفين باشد، سلطان كلمات اهل ارض بوده وخواهد بود. و الله از نفحات همان كلمه وحده عارفين نفحات حقّ را مي يابند و به رضوانش توجّه می نمايند. ملاحظه نما كه اگر از شطّ عذب فرات كأسی اخذ شود صاحبان ذايقه ادراك می نمايند كه اين ماء از كدام منبع بوده، و از عذوبت او پی برند به منبع او، و حال آن كه به حسب ظاهر يك كأس ماء بوده. و چون منبع علم و عرفان و عنايت و مكرمت و فضل و قدرت و جلال و عظمت جاری و ساری است، لذا از آن كلمه مخلصين و مقرّبين ادراك می نمايند و به منبع آن پی مي برند. كذلك فصّل لك لعلّ تهتدی بهدی الله ربّك و لا تلتفت إلی جنود الشّياطين. (edit)
It was observed that he was never deprived of the meaning of Kausar and he was completely deprived of divine spiritual pleasure, which is very clear what the Prophet meant by this statement. And the word truth, even if it has two letters, has been and will be the king of the words of the people of the land. And Allah, from the breaths of the same word, only the mystics find the breaths of truth and pay attention to its pleasures. Note that if a cup is taken from the river of Euphrates, the people of taste will understand from which source this water came from, and they will know its source from its sweetness, even though it is a glass of water according to its appearance. And because it is the source of knowledge, mysticism, care, honor, grace, power, glory, and greatness, therefore the sincere and close ones understand and understand its source. Also, you should be careful of God, your Lord, and don't turn your attention to the soldiers of the devils. (edit) It has been observed that they have never been nourished by the abundance of meanings and have been utterly deprived of the divine spiritual bounty. It is quite clear what the intention of His Holiness was in this statement. The word of truth, even if it consists of two letters, has been and will be the sovereign of the words of the people of the earth. By Allah, the knowers of the truth find the breaths of truth from the very breaths of that single word and turn their attention to its approval. Observe that if a cup is taken from the sweet banks of the Euphrates, those with a taste will recognize which source this water has come from, and from its sweetness, they will trace back to its source, even though it appears to be just a cup of water. Since the source of knowledge, understanding, attention, generosity, grace, power, glory, and greatness is flowing and moving, the sincere and close ones will recognize it and trace it back to its source. Thus, it is explained for you so that you may be guided by the guidance of Allah, your Lord, and do not turn to the armies of the devils. (edit)
و اگر نفسی دو كلمه بگويد و در كلمه سيّم معطّل ماند مبرهن است كه از اين منبع جاريه ساريه نبوده و نخواهد[۳۵۰]بود. فو الله يا عبد، حقّ به جميع شئونش از دونش ممتاز بوده و خواهد بود. بر خود مشتبه مكن! مي خواهی تجربه كن بين يدی حاضر شو و يك آيه از آيات الله سؤال نما. إذاً تطّلع ببحر الّذی يتموّج بذاته لذاته و لم يكن لأمواجه مِن نفاد، و تطّلع بمكمن المعانی و العرفان و مخزن العلم و الحكمة و تكون من الموقنين. (edit)
And if a breath says two words and remains suspended in the third word, it is evident that it was not flowing from this source and will not be [350]. For God's sake, O servant, the right is and will be superior to him in all its affairs. Do not doubt yourself! If you want to experience it, show up and ask a verse from Ayatollah. So, you are looking at the sea of pleasure that is undulating for its own pleasure and there is no wave of destruction. (edit) And if someone says two words and remains idle in the third word, it is proven that it has not and will not be from this flowing and moving source. By Allah, O servant, the truth has been and will be distinguished in all its affairs from its opposites. Do not confuse yourself! If you want to experience it, be present and ask for a verse from the verses of Allah. Then, you will gaze upon the ocean that undulates by itself for its own sake, and its waves never run out; and you will gaze upon the abode of meanings and understanding, the repository of knowledge and wisdom, and you will be among the certain believers. (edit)
و اين ظهور اعظم را چون نقطه بيان - جلّ كبريائه - مخصوص در جميع بيان فرموده به آيات ظاهر می شود، لذا به آيات ظاهر شده. و إلاّ كلّ ما ظهر من عنده حجّة علی العالمين. در اين ظهور اعظم جميع آيات قدرتيّه و آفاقيّه و انفسيّه مشاهده شده و لا يُنكرها إلاّ كلّ مغلّ مكّار. (edit)
And this great revelation is seen as a point of expression - Jal al-Kibriyae - especially in all the statements he made in the verses, so it appeared in the verses. And except for all of us, my noon has the proof of Ali al-Alamin. In this great revelation, all powerful, universal, and spiritual verses have been observed, and there is no denying them, except for all the insidious Mughals. (edit) And this Greatest Manifestation appears as the Point of Explanation - may His greatness be exalted - specifically mentioned in all the explanations through the outward verses; therefore, it appears through the outward verses. Otherwise, everything that appears from Him is a proof upon all the worlds. In this Greatest Manifestation, all the verses of power, horizons, and inner selves have been witnessed, and none deny them except every stubborn deceiver. (edit)
بر هر نفسی اليوم لازم كه از انفس خبيثه مشركه اجتناب نمايد، چه كه به مكری ظاهر شده اند كه در ابداع شبه آن ممكن نه. چنانچه از ارض صاد به جناب اسم الله آسيّد مهدی - عليه بهاء الله - نوشته اند كه امّ الفواحش و الخطيئات مكتوبی به اين ارض فرستاده، مضمون آن كه در بيت ايشان لوحی مدفون بوده از خطّ حضرت اعلی، و من آن لوح را بيرون آورده ام و در آن لوح عباراتی مسطور و نسبت به نقطه اولی داده كه به طلعت ابهی در سفارش ميرزا يحيی نوشته اند. فو الله الّذی لا إله إلاّ هو كلّ متحيّر مانديم از جعل اين نفوس و مكر[۳۵۱]اين قوم. و بعد از مصدر امر حكم شده كه بروند و به او بگويند كه آن لوح را از كدام محلّ بيت بيرون آورده و بنما، لعلّ تتنبّه فی نفسها و تكون من التّائبات. به اين شدّت بر افترا قيام نموده اند! و اين امور دستور العملی است كه ميرزا يحيی از اينجا مي نويسد و مي فرستد. لعنة الله علی الكاذبين و المفترين. إذاً يتبرّء منهم نقطة البيان فی عرش الجنان و يقول: خُسراناً لكم، يا ملاء المشركين، و ناراً عليكم، يا ملاء المغرضين! (edit)
It is necessary for every soul to avoid the evil soul of the polytheist, because they have appeared with a trick that is not possible to create a simile. As it is written from the land of Sa'ad to His Highness Asmillah Asid Mahdi - peace be upon him - Bahá'u'lláh - that Umm al-Fawahsh and written errors were sent to this land, the content of which was a tablet buried in his house in the handwriting of the Most High, and I have brought that tablet out. And in that tablet there are some famous phrases related to the first point that were written by Talaat Abhi on the order of Mirza Yahya. By God, there is no god but Him. And after the infinitive of the command, it is ordered that they go and tell him from which place he took that tablet out of the house and look at it, lest he repent in his breath and make me repent. They have rebelled against slander so much! And these matters are the recipes that Mirza Yahya writes and sends from here. God's curse on the liars and liars. So, he will absolve them of the point of the statement on the Throne of Heaven and say: "Woe to you, O Mullah of the polytheists, and woe to you, O Mullah of the Al-Mushrikin!" (edit) Today, it is necessary for every soul to avoid wicked and idolatrous selves, as they have appeared with deception that is impossible to fabricate. It is written from the land of Sád to the presence of the name of God, Ásíyád Mahdí - upon him be the glory of God - that they sent a written piece to this land containing the mother of all obscenities and sins, implying that there was a hidden tablet in their house written by the Most High's handwriting. And I brought out that tablet, in which there were inscriptions and attributed it to the first Point, which was written with a glorious countenance as a recommendation for Mírzá Yahyá. By God, the One who there is no god but Him, we are all perplexed by the fabrication of these souls and the deception [351] of these people. And after the source of the command, it was ordered to go out and tell him where the tablet was brought out from the house and show it, so that perhaps he may become alert within himself and be among the repentant. They have risen to such an extent in lying! And these are the instructions that Mírzá Yahyá writes and sends from here. May the curse of God be upon the liars and fabricators. Then the Point of Explanation in the Throne of Paradise disassociates from them and says: "Loss for you, O assembly of idolaters, and fire upon you, O assembly of the selfish!" (edit)
اليوم بايد بصر را حديد نمود و قلب را طاهر و صدر را منزّه تا انسان خود را از دونش بشناسد و تميز دهد. و اين رتبه اگر چه بسيار بلند و عظيم است، ولكن نزد منصفين بسيار سهل و يسير، اگر چه حال اهل بيان به مقامی رسيده اند و به اموری بر حقّ اعتراض نموده اند كه از اوّل ابداع تا حين احدی در مثل آن امور بر حقّ اعتراض ننموده. جميع اين عباد سال ها است طايف حول بوده ايم. و الله العظيم كه هرگز نزدشان از زخرف دنيا شيئی نبوده، و اگر هم بوده جميع شريك بوده ايم. و هر نفسی به بيت اعظم وارد، گويا خود صاحب بيت است، كمال عنايت درباره او مبذول. و مع ذلك اهل بيان اعتراضاً علی الله بكلّ ما ظهر مِن الحقّ اعتراض نموده اند، حتّی شرب چای، و همچنين[۳۵۲]در لباس و امثال آن. افّ لهم و لحيائهم! (edit)
Today, the sight should be sharpened, the heart should be pure, and the chest should be beautiful, so that a person can recognize and purify himself. And this rank, although it is very high and great, but it is very easy and easy in the eyes of the judges, even though the people of Bayan have reached a position and have objected to the right of things that from the beginning of creation until now, no one has the right to object to such things. did not All of these worshipers have been around us for years. And Allah the Great, who has never had anything from the beauty of the world, and if it had, we would all have been partners. And every soul that enters the great house, it is as if he is the owner of the house, and he is fully cared for. And yet the people of Bayan have protested against Allah against all of us during the noon of truth, even drinking tea, and also [352] in clothes and the like. Oh them and their beards! (edit) Today, one must make their vision sharp as iron, purify their heart, and sanctify their chest so that they can recognize and distinguish themselves from ignorance. Although this rank is very high and sublime, it is very easy and simple for the just, even though the people of expression have reached a position and have objected to matters against the truth that no one has ever objected to similar matters against the truth from the beginning of creation until now. All these servants have been wandering for years. By the great God, there has never been anything among them from the adornments of the world, and if there were, we all shared it equally. And whoever enters the Most Great House, it is as if they themselves are the owner of the house, with the utmost grace bestowed upon them. Yet, in spite of this, the people of expression have objected to God concerning everything that has appeared from the truth, even drinking tea, and likewise [352] in clothing and the like. Shame on them and their modesty! (edit)
نمي دانم چه شده كه هر نفسی در عقبه واقف و مبتلی. لوحی در اين ايّام از مشرق مشيّت رحمن مخصوص يكی از احبّا مشرق و نازل. در اين مقام لأجل تنبّه ذكر می شود، شايد متنبّه شوند و بشنوند قول نقطه اولی را در كرّه اخری از لسان ابدع ابهی، و از ضجيج و حنين و ناله آن حضرت شرم نمايند و به آنچه عامل شده كفايت كنند. و هذه صورةُ ما نزّل مِن جبروت الله العلیّ العظيم: بسم الله الاقدس العلیّ الأعلی. (edit)
I don't know what happened that every breath is aware and afflicted. In these days, a tablet from the East, the Merciful Providence, for one of the friends of the East and the Lower. In this position, it is mentioned for the sake of punishment, maybe they will be warned and hear the words of the first point in the last sphere from the tongue of Abda Abhi, and they will be ashamed of the noise and lamentation of that Prophet and be satisfied with what has been done. And this image of us was revealed by the power of Allah the Almighty:

In the name of God, the Most Holy, the Most High, the Most High. (edit)

I don't know what has happened that every soul is standing behind, afflicted. These days, a Tablet has been revealed from the East of the Will of the Merciful, specifically for one of the beloved ones of the East. In this position, it is mentioned for the sake of awakening; perhaps they will awaken and hear the words of the First Point in the last sphere from the tongue of the Most Glorious Creator, and feel ashamed of the clamor, moaning, and lamentation of that Presence, and be content with what they have caused. And this is the form of what has descended from the Almighty God, the Most High:

In the name of God, the Holiest, the Most High, the Supreme. (edit)

هذا كتابُ نقطة الأولی إلی الّذينهم آمنوا بالله الواحد الفرد العزيز العليم. و فيه يخاطب الّذينهم توقّفوا فی هذا الأمر من ملاء البيانييّن، لعلّ يستشعرنّ ببدايع كلمات الله و يقومنّ عن رقد الغفلة فی هذا الفجر المشرق المنير. قل: إنّا أمرناكم فی الكتاب بأنْ لا تقدموا طائفة الّتی يظهر منها محبوب العارفين و مقصود مَن فی السّموات و الأرضين. و أمرناكم إنْ أدركتم لقاء الله قوموا تلقاء الوجه، ثمّ أنطقوا مِن قبلی بهذه الكلمة العزيز المنيع: "عليك، يا بهاءَ الله و ذوی قرابتك، ذكر الله و ثناء كلّ شیء فی كلّ حين و قبل حين و بعد حين." و جعلنا هذه الكلمة عزّاً لأهل البيان، لعلّ بها يرتقون إلی معارج القدس و يكوننّ من الفائزين. و إنّهم تركوا[۳۵۳]ما أمروا به بحيث ما ظهر أحد تلقاء الوجه بما أمرناهم فی ألواح عزّ عظيم، بل رموا نحوه من كلّ الآفاق رمْیَ النّفاق. و بذلك بكيتُ و بكتْ أهل جبروت العظمة، ثمّ روح الأمين. (edit)
This is the book of the first point to those who believe in God, the One, the Unique, the Mighty, the All-Knowing. And in it he addresses those who paused in this matter from the ranks of the clairvoyants, so that they might feel the beginnings of God’s words and rise from the sleep of heedlessness in this bright and enlightening dawn. Say: We commanded you in the Book not to give precedence to a group from which the beloved of the gnostics and the destination of those in the heavens and the earth appear. And we commanded you, if you realize the meeting with God, stand face to face, and then pronounce before me this mighty and invincible word: “On you, O Baha’u’llah and your kin, remember God and praise all things at all times and before and after.” And We made this word a source of honor for the people of the statement, so that by it they may ascend to the ascents of Jerusalem and be among the winners. And they abandoned [353] what they were commanded to do, so that no one appeared on the face of what We commanded them in the Tablets of Great Glory, but rather they shot towards him from all horizons the shot of hypocrisy. And with that I wept and the people of the might of greatness wept, then the soul of the Secretary. (edit) This is a book from the Primal Point to those who have believed in the One, Unique, Mighty, and All-Knowing God. In it, He addresses those who have hesitated in this matter among the people of eloquence, so that they may perceive the wonders of God's words and awaken from the slumber of heedlessness during this luminous dawning. Say: We have commanded you in the Book not to advance any group from which the Beloved of the Knowers and the Purpose of those in the heavens and the earths appear. We have commanded you, if you realize the meeting with God, to stand facing the Face, and then to utter, on My behalf, this Mighty and Impregnable Word: "Upon You, O Glory of God and Your relatives, be the remembrance of God and the praise of everything at all times, before time, and after time." We have made this Word a source of might for the people of eloquence so that, through it, they may ascend to the stages of holiness and be among the victorious. Yet they have forsaken what they were commanded, to the extent that no one has appeared facing the Face with what We commanded them in the Tablets of Mighty Greatness; rather, they have thrown towards Him the darts of hypocrisy from all horizons. Because of this, I wept, and the inhabitants of the Exalted Kingdom wept, and then the Trustworthy Spirit. (edit)
قل: يا قوم، فاستحيوا عن جمالی! إنّ الّذی قد ظهر بالحقّ إنّه لَبهاء العالمين لو أنتم من العارفين. و إنه لبهاء الله و عليه ذكر الله و ثنائه، ثم ثناء أهل ملاء الأعلی و ثناء أهل جبروت البقاء و ثناء كلّ شیء فی كلّ حين. إيّاكم أنْ تحتجبوا بما خلق بين الأرض و السماء! أنِ إسرَعُوا إلی رضوان رضائه و لا تكوننّ من الرّاقدين. (edit)
Say: O people, be ashamed of my beauty! What has appeared with the truth is the splendor of the worlds, if you are of the knowers. And he is the glory of God, and upon him is the remembrance and praise of God, then the praise of the people of the Most High, and the praise of the people of the might of survival, and the praise of everything at all times. Beware of being veiled by what was created between the earth and the sky! Hasten to His pleasure, and do not be among those who sleep. (edit) Say: O people, be ashamed before My Beauty! Indeed, the One who has appeared with the truth is the Glory of the worlds, if you are among the knowers. And He is the Glory of God, and upon Him is the remembrance of God and His praise, and then the praise of the inhabitants of the Most Exalted Realm, the praise of the inhabitants of the Everlasting Kingdom, and the praise of everything at all times. Beware lest you be veiled by what was created between the earth and the heavens! Hasten to His good-pleasure and be not among the heedless. (edit)
قل: إنّ جماله كان جمالی بالحقّ، و إنّ نفسه نفسی. و كلّما نزّلناه فی البيان قد نُزّل لأمره المحكم البديع. إتّقو الله و لا تجادلوا بالّذی أخبرناكم به و بشّرناكم بظهوره. و أخذت عهدَ نفسه قبل عهد نفسی، و يشهد بذلك كلّ شیء إن أنتم من المنكرين. تالله بنغمة من نغماته ولدتْ حقائق كلّ شیء مرّةً أخری، و بنغمةٍ أخری إستجذبتْ أفئدة المقرّبين. إيّاكم أنْ تحتجبوا بشیء عن الّذی كان لقائه ذات لقائی، و فدی نفسه فی سبيلی كما فديتُ فی سبيله حبّاً لجماله العزيز المنيع. (edit)
Say: His beauty was my beauty in truth, and his soul was my soul. And every time We have revealed it in the statement, it has been revealed for His command, the decisive and the magnificent. Fear God and do not argue with what we have told you and gave you glad tidings of its appearance. And I took the covenant of himself before the covenant of myself, and everything bears witness to that. You are of the deniers. By God, with one of his tunes, the truths of everything were born again, and with another tune, the hearts of the close ones were attracted. Do not hide anything from the one whose meeting was the same as my meeting, and he sacrificed himself for my sake as I sacrificed for his sake for the love of his dear and impenetrable beauty. (edit) Say: Indeed, His beauty was My beauty in truth, and His soul was My soul. And whatever We have revealed in the Bayan has been revealed for His command, the All-Compelling, the Wonderful. Fear God and do not argue about what We have informed you of and have given you glad tidings of His appearance. His soul took the covenant before My soul, and everything bears witness to that if you are among the deniers. By God, with a melody of His melodies, the realities of all things were brought forth once again, and with another melody, the hearts of the near ones were attracted. Beware lest you be veiled by anything from the One whose meeting was like My meeting, and who sacrificed His soul for My sake, just as I sacrificed for His sake, out of love for His mighty, impregnable beauty. (edit)

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